Well after a number of frustrating attempts to build a peer to peer wireless network at home, I've now managed it with a lot of help from Jaap my local computer guy.
I first tried, prior to SP2 for XP. to hook one PC directly to another - very possible according to all the literature, but we were frustrated all the way.
Now we abandoned the idea of a peer to peer network and built a routed network (what ever that is called) so I forked out a whole 99€ on a ADSL Modem Router from SMC, and hey presto we managed it within an hour. I can even VPN through the router and log onto the work network at high speed, a real real bonus I must admit.
Now all I need to do it to figure out how to be nice and open up my Internet connection to anyone in the neighbourhood, without compromising my security. ???
Having said that without Jaap I think I still would have failed on the configuring the modem router to get data from my ISP, the wireless connections to the router was a doddle.
Now maybe I can wifi my PDA to my home network - now that will be great. Hmm