One of the lesser known facts of Wales and the Welsh (or Welsh Welsh as Jan Morris calls them) is that Wales has the highest density of published poets per head in the world. The twist is that is not recognised as they all write in Welsh. Everyone does it, from postman to bank managers, dinner ladies to farmers, and a famous poet sells 200 to 500 copies of their book! They compete for the chair and the crown at the National Eisteddfod, one is a free form poetry prize the other is for poems that follow a strict form (similar to the Japanese tradition). Some of these poems are so moving and so stunningly clever upon reading them, I long for my homeland and the villages where my heart lies, and just need to be there with the views of the hills and the sea to cleanse and nurture my soul. Often they have moved me so much I book a flight home for the very next weekend, even from Houston!
I get a similar feeling with the blogs I follow albeit a little different. I'll try and explain how I read them and the possibilities I see.
I read my bloglines account straight after lunch, just after I've checked my portfolio, the news and the latest from my football team. I always spend a little time after lunch to ease my self in for the afternoons workload. And again in the evening on the sofa next to Anke.
Following blogs really gives me the feeling of knowing people and their inner thoughts. Some of the people I read I know, i.e Lilia - whom I know very well as I see her every other week as we work together, Euan a little less as I have met him some 3 or so times, Ian Scott etc. These people I know from one point of view and following their blogs you start to see their other sides which is quite fascinating and illuminating. I bumped into Chris Fox at KM Europe and he immediately mentioned my furniture making, he has seen that side of me, and it takes you aback, as no-one usually that remote from me usually knows. It makes meeting with these people much more interesting as I can chat about their blogged life as well as our professional interests.
There are also people I do not know who I read, some I came across via other bloggers, who quote their blogs (I'm not a great quoter whereas Euan quotes all the time - I think I'm too lazy), blogroll them or they have commented on Croeso. These people are also interesting as you build a relationship with them some are interactive but some you just read and don't react.
Rogiers great 'standing in your underpants' statement, is also felt in the reading world of blogs, there is one blog I follow written by a man who lost his sister nearly 2 years ago. He blogs with deep emotion on this tragic loss and how he is doing day to day. I feel terribly intrusive reading his blog, but as I've lost 2 people close to me I can empathise . I'm even feel I should not link to the blog here as that would be also too invasive and not correct, which is strange as he blogs to help him grieve and welcomes the comments from the blog followers. This guy is standing naked with all his emotions exposed to all. How very very brave he is, I applaud his painful progress.
The temporal effect is also interesting, following someone over time with regular or not so regular posts, it's like seeing a favourite village friend often as you walk to the the village shop and exchanging the latest news/gossip and chit chat. As Euan states the blogroll really is our village.
Little snippets of information often are much more easy to follow than reading a lot, less frequently. You can also ignore certain posts they blog from the titles and first few words in your RSS news aggregator, so you can skim read and dive in when it interests you. The nice things about RSS readers which really suits my busy life,is that it just builds up whilst your away or too busy, and it gives you a simple way to look at many posts. I certainly find after a week away from the Internet and my PC the Bloglines feeds have more posts than my in box, but Bloglines is much easier to read. I'm not sure if it is the fact that the blogs are of a lesser priority for me and so it seems easier to go through it as there is less pressure/ actions that are apparent in my in box, I'm not sure - let me reflect on that one a bit more.
Reading blogs is addictive and I pick up new ones every week and drop others, there are many more in my Bloglines than appear in my blogroll as bloglines gives you the chance to categorise them this way.
Anyway enough for now I'm off to bed
Nos Da
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