September 11th is our wedding anniversary, and unfortunatly this year I was flying in and out of Frankfurt for the day. Now I always take the 7am flight and arrived a lttle early @ 5-30am, normally the airport isusually nicely quiet at this time, but not on the 5th anniversary of 9/11 it was very busy.
Now 3 scenarios pop into my head:
a) every one thought like me that 9/11 must be the safest day to travel, due to the extra security
b) It was so cheap to travel on that day everyone grabbed the cheap tickets
c) Everyone arrived way early to get through the hieghtened security.
There did seem to be no more extra security than there has been for the last year, except on the way back at Frankfurt , they swabbed down my pc with something then put it in a big expensive looking machine, luckilly the pc passed and it was re-united with me.
Earler this week I flew into London. with all my deodorants/shampoo/lip balm/soap in my hand luggage, but flying out of london I had to check all the above and my pc (but not swabbed nor sniffed this time) into the hold. So where's the sense in only doing that in one direction. Plain daft it seems to me. A bit like the one way charging on the Severn Bridge , I cannot remember how it goes, but I do hope they charge you as you enter England and not as you enter Wales!
Will hoping onto a plane ever be the same.
ps they have a ne extra shopping aa in Frankfurt, there I can get a Hugo Boss suit, loads of fancy this and that, but just the same crappy food joints as everywhere else - gee When will they get that right.