Interesting I've half followed danah's blog for a while now . Apparently the lower cast letters are important!
danah is a PhD at Berkeley in California and has positions at Yahoo and McArthur Partners.
Social Software is generally thought of as only the new things - Blogs, wikis, mashups, social network sites, tagging
Things like Typepad, friendster,,
her first premise is that small start up beta roll outs are fast big monoliths are inherently slow and cautious. Just roll out something and keep hacking responding to users actions and needs, they hack the main site, and if it breaks the system they tale the hack away - my Space does this so this is an interesting model. Many others follow this -
It's all about social software so follow what your users do and make it easy for them. watch then redesign. Hmm I'm thinking how can you make money on all of this.
Organic growth of your product is the way social software use grows, user recommendations, are very strong and these values are inherent in many of the successful roll outs. But you have to change the software to the needs and usage patterns of the users to keep on being recommended. Social Software is at it's best when the audience are all similar and unsderstand each other and your friends (the people who you know who build context, in a Community of Practice the context is the topic of the CoP, this is fairly fixed)
So in summary for designers it s a problem as you always stay in beta as you scale big how do you listen to the users
For researchers all the fragmented areans make it very very hard to uild general theories
For business people how on earcth do we deploy fast and keep it changing
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